Keyword Wrapper

Use our Free Keyword Wrapper Tool to Extract, Phrase, or Broad Match Modify Your Keywords

Keyword Wrapper Tool

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Searchbloom, LLC

Keywords play a significant role in just about any kind digital marketing initiative.

Rigging up a Google Ads campaign? Keyword research will make the difference between a highly targeted and focused campaign or one where you’re just wasting ad dollars with zero hits.

Creating content? You’ll need to zero in on the keywords your ideal reader is searching for.

Keywords are only as effective as the research behind them. To really work and pull traffic to your campaigns and content, they need to match your user’s search words.

Enter the Keyword Wrapper tool. It’s a neat interface designed specifically for Google Ads (AdWords) & Microsoft Ads (Bing Ads). So far, this is the best Chrome extension to use if you need to “wrap” keywords with different keyword permutations.

Here’s how the Keyword Wrapper tool works:

  • Enter in the keywords you’re targeting
  • The tool then produces “wrap” keywords that you should use to modify your keywords for an AdWords campaign.
    • For example, if you enter in, “AdWords,” and “Google Advertising” as your broad keywords, the tool then generates a range of lists that you can (and should) combine with your original search keywords to get a more targeted and effective phrase match
  • There are four categories of matches, including:
    • Broad
    • Modified Broad
    • Phrase
    • Exact Match
  • The lists created can include a combination of these categories

Other strategic perks of the Keywords Wrapper tool include:

  • Easily copy and paste your saved keywords from the Chrome plugin extension directly into Google or Bing Ads
  • Filter all capital letters from search terms to avoid creating or adding duplicate search terms to Google AdWords with different capitalizations
  • Clear out certain common characters (such as exclamation marks), which aren’t allowed in AdWords at the keyword level

The Keyword Wrapper tool puts a treasure trove of keywords right at your fingertips. To make it easy to organize the sheer possibilities and combinations now available to you, you can export and save these lists into a spreadsheet for use later through your campaigns.

The Keyword Wrapper is perfect for any business planning to make their marketing dollars work for their Google AdWords and Microsoft Bing ad campaigns.

Recently, Google created some significant changes to the way search terms report display for you. The notification on your account may have looked something like this:

Previously, Google’s Ads platform works in such a way that it’s likely showing your ads to people for other related searches. The Search Terms report is the only place where you can truly see which search terms you’re paying for.

With these new changes, however, “only include terms that a significant number of users search for. This means that you potentially might be missing those “off-target” keywords that creep in, and that you would exclude in your Negative keywords to block Google from sneaking these into your ads as “close variants.”

Overall, the changes to the search terms report is missing about 25% of the clicks that are being for each day, according to Dave Collins, a Google Ads expert.

That’s why it’s more important than ever to use a Keyword Wrapper, which also allows you to convert keyword phrases into negative keywords to exclude. Smart advertisers are always adapting to the ever-changing algorithm — and tools like Keyword Wrapper help them stay ahead and sharp with their marketing budgets.

Use this tool in conjunction with our keyword mixer tool to get even more value for your ppc campaign.

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Mackenzie Hill
Mackenzie HillFounder, Lumibloom

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